Kraft Foods  

Digital Mosaic designed and developed the website for Kraft Foods to enhance their recruitment strategy, whilst creating a visual feast. Sadly, the position for food-tasting was not an option. ;o)

Photography Interview with Conor McCabe  

  Q: How did you become involved in photography?   A: I started off my career in photography in Whitespace Publishing Group Limited based in Dublin. My job role was to supply business and editorial photography to their newspaper supplements and business magazines.   Q: What advice would you give to someone whose interested in starting web and print photography? […]

Airbus Programme Matcher  

Reach new heights with Airbus Programme Matcher: I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day I spread my Airbus wings and fly away…

Secret Santa  

Here at Digital Mosaic, we are excited to launch the new version of our Secret Santa website. It has been designed and developed to make your Christmas shopping easier and fun, by enabling users to create their own gift lists. Unlike other similar sites, it is unique in allowing you to suggest the presents that you would like to receive. This […]

HTML5 Videos  

HTML5 video is a movie and video playing element within HTML5, somewhat replacing the object element. This is due to the on-going evolution of support for the video element. As such a standard way has been adopted, to embed video into a web page. Prior to this, the majority of on-line videos had been channelled via third party plug-ins. Flash […]

Soccerscout USA  

Digital Mosaic launched the Soccerscout USA website to further the careers of nationwide footballers in the States. We tried out for the team but took the dribbling too far, when we spotted the manager eating biscuits from the sidelines. ;o)

ETS Website  

  Digital Mosaic present their re-vamped website for ETS-Electromagnetic Testing Services company. Luckily our director’s cybernetic leg slipped under their radar. ;o)

Golden Ratio in Web Design  

The Golden Ratio otherwise known as the divine proportion, is a calculation for perfection creating symmetry in maths and art etc. It is often represented by the Greek letter F (Phi), which is an abbreviation for the mean of Phidias (an Ancient Greek sculptor, painter and architect that applied this equation to his work, most notably the Parthenon). The mathematical […]

Website Design Tips  

Optimise your images by creating web ready files, to increase the speed of downloading pages. Do not use flashing graphics, as statistics show that the majority of people are annoyed by them. Plan your grid thoroughly. Popular websites usually implement the standard 3 column layout, with the “golden ratio” proving most successful. Consider the relationship between your content and white […]

White Space  

White space is commonly regarded as negative space. Deriving from graphic design practice where white paper is often used during the printing process, it is the space on the page between markings and other formatting techniques such as text, margins, gutters, columns, figures and illustrations etc. It is important not to refer to white space as ‘blank’ as it creates […]